Thank you for using our application!
We would like to be a part of your daily life for years to come. Here, we have collected almost every possible answer you are looking for.
If you cIf you can't find what you are looking for, please contact us, and we will be happy to't find what you are looking for, please contact us, and we will be happy to help.
Activate your App by clicking on the button:
or navigate to Online Store > Themes > Customize > Theme settings > App embeds.
Make sure to click “Save”.
After "Goodapps - Product Accessories" is purchased, the app will appear in the "Apps" section in your Shopify account:
Click on it, and you will be redirected to the welcome to the dashboard.
Firstly, let’s learn how to navigate the App.
On the left side of the page, there are next tabs: Create Popup, Dashboard, Popups, Performance, Customers, Partners and Profile Menu.
1. Create Popup;
2. Dashboard: check setup tutorials and general information and statistics of the most popular popups;
3. Popups: find tools for creating and managing your popups;
4. Performance: locate the best and the most efficient deals by analyzing detailed statistics;
5. Partners: find apps we recommend to improve your sales.
Profile menu contains the following tabs: Activation button,Settings, Help, What’s new?, and Terms and Conditions.
1. Activate your App by clicking on the button:
2. Settings: access advanced settings;
3. What’s new?
While you are on this page you can find at the top bar three sections:
Other users of the app are able to see your idea, vote for it and comment. To leave a comment under idea you should click on it and leave your comment at the commenting form.
If you want to vote for the idea you liked, click on the element with a number inside it that is placed on the right side of the idea form.
You can use filters to find ideas with similar status, boards, tags or date.
4. Help: check our documentation;
5. Terms and Conditions
If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact us, and we will be happy to help.
GA: Spin Wheel & Gamification has a user-friendly, intuitive interface that allows a user to create and customize popups in minutes without any need for coding. Let’s take a look at the creation of the popup step by step.
To create your popup, click on the tab “Create Popup” or on the button “Create Popup”.
OR you can navigate to Online Store > Themes > Customize > Theme settings > App embeds.
Choose a template that is most suitable for you and click on it. Give a name to your popup and click the “Create Popup” button.
Check more information about popup customization in Widget Design. Once the popup looks like you wish, you can move to the Rules & Triggers section by clicking on the tab “Rules and Triggers” or “Next” button.
Here you can set up rules and condition options for your popup. Let’s check these sections: Audience, User behavior, and Frequency settings.
In the Audience targeting section, there are the following settings:
Show this popup only on. Choose the devices your popup will be displayed on.
Show only for logged customers. Decide whether only logged customers will be able to see your popup.
Trigger event. The offer needs to start somewhere. Decide which actions and which products should kick off your offer flow. Choose pages, buttons, or events that will launch your popup.
If you decide that your popup has to be shown on the Product page you can choose if it is going to be on any product page or a specific one. To choose one or the range of products pages, enable the field “Products” and click the button “Select Products”.
Enter URL parameter. Add a URL parameter to your link so that your popup can be seen only when following a specific link with this parameter.
Date range. Only show your offer if it triggers within the start and end date you specify with this setting.
Cart value. Only show your offer if it triggers within the min and max cart value you specify with this setting.
Set up minimum and/or maximum Cart value to launch a popup.
In the User behavior section, you can find the following settings:
After waiting for X seconds. This requires the viewer to be on that page for a minimum time before the popup launches.
Trigger. Set up a trigger of a popup displaying options for supporting thresholds based on actions.
Show when a customer:
1. Visit a page - the standard for making an announcement on your site.
2. Scrolls a page down - requires the visitor to browse a percentage of the page (you can set it up) to show a level of interest and not startle them with a popup.
3. Exit intent - attempts to exit a page, it’s excellent for last-chance offers to try and engage with prospects before they leave.
Note: Exit intent works only on the desktop version of the site.
In the Frequency Settings section, you can set up the frequency for showing the popup and also define the rule when the popup has to be hidden.
When the rules and triggers are configured, click the “Next” button to go to the Integrations section.
This section allows you to connect GA: Spin Wheel & Gamification with your Mailchimp, Mailerlite, GetResponse accounts in just a few minutes.
Read more about the integration with the email marketing services here: Integrations
Let's move on to the last section called a Final setup. Here you can find the following settings:
When you are happy with your popup click Save at the right corner of the page.
Your popup will be activated automatically, you can check how it looks on your store.
If you want to disable the popup, go to the dashboard and select popups at the left panel.
On page Popups, you’ll find all created popups. On the column Active, press on the switcher of the popup you want to disable.
If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact us, and we will be happy to help.